Having to switch between 2 devices day and night while waiting for a signal issue to resolve has made me quite nimble and aware of the annoyance it can be to juggle between 2 devices. But since more data gets stored on the cloud it has made it easy to switch from one device to another. In my case I use the regular old text message app that is on whatever device I am using at the time. So when I switch I have to jump around on conversations as they do not sync with all the other data. I really should move to something that will store them in the cloud but I’m still figuring out which app I want to use. But for all my other data the cloud has made it just come across like its nothing. So it made the switch easier. I wanted to get to a point like that because I wanted to be able to try different phones at different times and be able to test them for a bit before going back to my other daily driver. There is a new HTC U 12 rumored to be coming out around April some time I would love to try another HTC phone and the specs really make it worth an upgrade. My U 11 has been a dream to use until about 3 days ago… Let me start at the beginning..
3 days ago I got out of my car and sent a text. But the text never went. It was late and I saw it was not sent and that the service was out and had an x. I dismissed it and went to sleep thinking maybe the network had a glitch and it will be better by morning. I awoke early the next morning to see I still had no service and was not sure what was happening. I had data mostly if I was not on wifi but the data would fade in and out. This was like this inside the house, outside the house, and about a mile down the road before I switched towers maybe and the signal came back full and I then had zero issues. I went about my day at my office and the phone just worked like it always did since I bought it new in September. I never had one issue with the phone. Signal was never a problem in my home. If the phone rang I got the call. But to then have this weird signal issue that is still ongoing and I am waiting for the carrier to resolve the issue. Someone told me it’s my sim. But if that is the case why does it work perfectly 3 towns away all day and the only issue is when I am near my home? And why does the same behavior not occur to my old Samsung device when I put that same sim card into the phone? When the sim is in the old phone there are no issues at my home phone calls and texts come fine. When the sim Is in the HTC phone I get sporadic connections for minutes then the signal will just drop out and not come back. If it was the phone then why would that behavior not continue in other places? When I am anywhere else but my home, the phone works with no issues whatsoever. The data connection that runs streaming and audio will stay up and buffer enough that the stream will be uninterrupted even as the phone switches over to where it can work well. It is about a mile radius away from my home that I cannot get signal then it comes back on that device. Keep in mind this is an HTC phone it is not sold or known well to Verizon at all. It is known as a certified open channel device or BYOD device. When this first came out there was a lot of people online that had issues getting a sim to work with version. They had to work close with Verizon tech to get it to work. And the store techs were not familiar with the process when the phone first came out. My search on google with this issue has not turned up much. Most posts are older and the options and tricks mentioned have been tried. I rebooted into safe mode. Same issue and I even cleared the cache in the device. I also reset the network settings. I called Verizon and asked the first level tech to refresh my device which she did but it did not make much difference. I have another sim card and I will flash it if needed but I am going to wait first for Verizon to tell me what they find. In the mean time, I will be a skilled device ninja deftly moving between devices till this gets sorted. 3 Days later it finally got fixed by Verizon as part of a larger issue. Now I’m back running at 100 percent with the HTC. It really has been a wonderful phone to use and very easy to enjoy. But being the device switching guy for a bit made me realize I want to try another device. Especially now since its so easy to switch back and forth. So in my next post I will be discussing my new device which is on its way to my shop right now. Stay tuned!
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